Welcome to Sport Convention Duisburg

The sports city of Duisburg offers the best conditions for extraordinary sporting events. We look forward to helping you find a suitable location for your sporting event.


Regatta course Duisburg

Often referred to as the ‘Wimbledon of canoeing’ and the ‘fairest course in the world’, it recently corroborated its first-class international reputation once again at the 2023 Canoe World Championships.

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

In 2023, the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord became the venue for the Ruhr Games and the finals. Since then, it has established itself as a great specialised sports venue with a unique backdrop.

Duisburg’s Inner Harbour

With the successful organisation of the canoe polo competitions as part of the 2023 finals, the Inner Harbour was also able to meet the requirements of German championships.


If the walls and seats of the stadium could speak, they would tell of the Bundesliga promotion in 2005, the opening ceremony of the 2005 World Games, the victorious DFB Cup semi-final in 2011 or the exciting international matches.

Sportpark Duisburg

Centrally located in the heart of our city, the 200‑hectare Sportpark Duisburg is one of the largest connected sports areas in Germany.

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Contact us for information about more sports facilities!

Dennis Wienhusen

Project Manager
City Marketing & Tourism

0203 28544-33
