One stadium – lots of possibilities

As the successor to the time-honoured Wedau stadium, the Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena is a distinctive part of Duisburg. Since its completion in 2005, it was the site where fans of the local football club celebrated victories and mourned losses. If the walls and seats of the stadium could speak, they would tell of the Bundesliga promotion in 2005, the opening ceremony of the 2005 World Games, the victorious DFB Cup semi-final in 2011 or the exciting international matches.

With a capacity of 31,500 seats, the arena is suitable for top-level football matches. It also offers perfect conditions for hosting American football matches as well as other sporting events and opening ceremonies. Last year, in addition to the home games of the men’s and women’s teams of MSV Duisburg, other soldout events at the Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena in front of massive crowds included the international match of the German women’s national football team against Sweden, the home games of Rhein Fire and the final of the European League of Football.

The arena’s facilities are also perfect for other types of events, such as conferences, congresses, weddings, graduation parties and much more. The arena’s transport connections are ideal. In addition to the direct connection to public transport, sufficient parking spaces are available directly in front of the stadium. The arena also has all the necessary technical facilities for broadcasting competitions live on television and via streaming.

Spectator capacity 31,418
Seating capacity 24,418
Standing capacity 7,000
Wheelchair users 46
Seating and workstations for the press 124
Business Lounge 1.900 m²
BL – northern section 520 m²
BL – southern section 520 m²
North gallery 280 m²
South gallery 280 m²
Club of the Meiderich boys 300 m²
Changing room 117 m²
Changing room 150 m²
Referee booth 40 m²
2 coaches’ booths je 11 m²
Match commissioner 280 m²
Changing room Ball boys/child mascots 17 m²
20 single boxes 30 m² each
8 single boxes 20 m² each
3 double boxes 60 m² each
1 double box 40 m²
1 quadruple box 120 m²
König Pilsener regulars’ table 168 m²
Starter Club 168 m²
Press conference room 150 m²
Doping testing 25 m²
Home playing area 17 m²
Warm-up area 57 m²
Mixed Area 209 m²
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Margaretenstraße 5-7, 47055 Duisburg

Parking is available nearby.

Distance to the motorway: 2 km

Distance to the railway station: 3,9 km

Distance to the airport: 19,5 km

Find suitable accomodation here:

The Sportpark Duisburg offers around 440 accommodation options that are specifically tailored to the needs of athletes. For further information please contact DuisburgSport.



Christopher Mainka

Managing Director Duisburger Stadionmanagement GmbH

0203 6004-340

Contact Sportstadt Duisburg

Dennis Wienhusen

Project Manager
City Marketing & Tourism

0203 28544-33

Contact Duisburg Convention

Candice Budzinsky

Project Manager
Tourism & Convention

0203 28544-13